Episode 10
My Beachy Buddha Life
February 10th, 2020
27 mins 48 secs
About this Episode
She’s a yogi, a healer, an altruistic human being, and a peaceful warrior. Her light shines bright and far! She’s the woman that walks beside me in this life, Karyn Knox aka: Beachy Buddha.
In this episode Karyn shares with us how she evolved from being a top 10 figure competitor, to a reiki healer, a whole food plant based over 40 athlete, and a psychology student.
Smashing stereotypes and chasing dreams is just what she does for fun! In her professional life, she serves as a director of development for a nonprofit that is focused on food system policy change for our youth, seniors and ultimately – all of us.
So, kick on back, find your zen space and enjoy: “My Beachy Buddha Life” with Karyn Knox.
Peace Love Plants